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MY BROTHER, this feeling I can no longer hide. Entering the second phase of puberty, I fell more and more in love with the three most rational things, namely the sea, the twilight, and you.  I love the twilight that falls and settles in the arms of the pilgrims of love. They plucked a wandering orange color from the violet strands, and composed them into heavy verses, to lure back his runaway lover to Mol, tempted by the pink lipstick, which was sprayed with capitalistic machines and a nuclear reactor. The sky became as small as breadcrumbs, and had no meaning for the townspeople. In the City Center, which is punished by pollutants, it is true that there are never seen any stars as a marker of sky sovereignty Of course I fell in love with the whole of you, who always cheerfully danced like the ronggeng horse from the shard, labeled as the base of the left. The way you inhale kretek and inhale lung poison reminds me of Yelisaveta Petrovna, who is loved by all Russian people for legalizi